Sinking Springs UMC Zoom Services

Dear Friends,

I do hope you will join us in worship in person if/when it’s possible!  Until then, please see below:

Please encourage others to join us on Zoom for worship.  Feel free to share this link.

The zoom session will open at 9:15 a.m.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Brandon Berg

Hyperlink:  If the link doesn’t open for you, please copy and paste the hyperlink in your internet browser.

A tip for Zoom worshippers.  You have control of what your Screen looks like.  In the upper right corner of your screen you can find a Gallery view (allowing you to see as many people at once as your screen will allow.)  There is also a Speaker View.  This mode will let you see whoever is speaking large and thumbnails pictures of everyone else.

Using a Landline of Cell Phone (To Join with Audio only)

Please dial the phone number provided 1 (929) 205-6099 for the service you are planning on attending.  You will be asked for the meeting/personal ID number 865 494 9407 followed by the # sign (pound sign).  Next, it will ask for the participant ID number, or he the # sign to join the meeting.  Please do not worry about the participant ID number, or just hit the # sign.  You will be prompted to enter a password followed by the # sign (pound sign).  Please enter 37828 followed by the pound sign and it will let you know you have joined the meeting.

You will hear the voice say you are a participant in the meeting now and you have been muted.  You can mute and unmute yourself by hitting *6 (star six).

Using a cell phone or table (Audio and/or Video)

Download the app (on apple it is Zoom Cloud Meeting(s).  You should only have to do this the first time you use the program.

Click join a meeting.

It will ask you for a meeting/personal ID – 315 954 2930.  If you can copy and paste the meeting/personal ID into the required spot that would be helpful.  If you cannot, you will have to type in the number.  After entering the meeting/personal ID, hit join.  You will be prompted to enter a password Qqn7nD, followed by the join button. 

You should see options to connect with video and/or audio – You can select to turn the video on so that you can be seen by others, or you can keep the video off if you don’t want others to see you.  Then please hit the join button.